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Abused Sidebar - List of todays important widget for your sidebar

8 comments Buzz Here
How much do you love your sidebar? yes, that place where you put your archive, blogroll, latest comment, latest post you love it? I do, it's very useful i make money from that sidebar and it helps my readers navigating to my other post.

But i have noticed that sometimes i abused that sidebar, i put a lot of nonsense stuff that my readers don't care about. I will list here the few useful widget that our readers needs to help them navigate smoothly and also give an attention to your other post.

  1. Live Pages Popularity from Their is no plug-in to determine the popular post of your site for Blogspot aside from using Google Analytic but it's going to take long and it's difficulty is not really that low especially for the newbie, i suggest feedjit because it's easy just a click of your mouse and your done.
  2. Live Recommended Reading from - Another one from feedjit that is very helpful, suggest some of your post to your readers, let them know that you have other post that are worth reading. Your readers will stay longer and will visit some other post that they have not read yet!
  3. Recent Post/Archive - Push your posts (We don't like to be pushy!) but this is one way to asking/telling our readers to read our recent post...asking them to visit the post that you have recently posted. This is the way of you author communicating with your readers.
  4. Recent Comment - This is to show the discussions in your post, what are the visitors's their chance to voice their opinion about one of your post. I really like this because it's a win-win situation - you get them commented on your post and at the same time you give them more exposure. Spammers have no place for this anyway all you have to do is to make sure that you moderate the comment so that no one can spam your discussions.
  5. Top Commenter - Give them back what they deserve, they read your post and commented, start a discussion and now give them an exposure so that your readers can visit your top commenter's site as well.
  6. Entrecard - This is important LOL! especially to the addicted one's -- This brings traffic effectively. Make sure you put them above the fold (We don't want to play hide and seek) tendency, if you hide them among all your widget you lose EC Points, because droppers couldn't be bothered whereas, if you put them above the fold then after the drop their still have time to read your post and even leave some comments.
  7. Subscription - This should be visible, but must not intrusive.
  8. Sponsors/Monetizing - This pays your site bills, why not! but do not over the top or else your site looks desperate. There are many ways to place your ads that are not annoying and cannot even determined it it's one of your ad (Experiment)
Cluttered sidebar is not really helping you, it's UN-professional and it's drawing your visitors away from your other post...make it simple but meaty.

There might be some other important that should be in your sidebar but do not abuse it, there are some widget that are important but don't need to be there you can find other ways to know the statistics of your site.

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Anonymous said... at 27/3/08 12:59

hello! this is a good list! I also have the same content on my sidebar. :)

by the way, please join us at hope to see you there soon! :D

Anonymous said... at 27/3/08 13:47

Great post. A lot of them, like recent posts, popular posts and so forth are great for SEO as they give you numorous deep links automatically :)

William Hessian said... at 28/3/08 10:40

Stop beating me!

helpful side bar help. good tips.

Iris said... at 28/3/08 15:43

Leah,Dennis and Welliamhessian,

Thanks for your time to comment here in my blog.

Deep link indeed and lessen the bounce back rate of our blog.

curryegg said... at 29/3/08 00:09

THank for this tips... and you've a beautiful blog here... enjoy reading it.. ;D

Anonymous said... at 29/3/08 15:11

Is there anyway of implimenting a subscribe to comments plugin on a blogger blog? Assuming you want one that is :-)

I hate seeming rude to people when I don't reply to my reply because I don't know it's there.

That was a mouthful huh, lol. Plus you may quadruple your comments, AND its a lot easier to determine who is "one-off" commenting to get do-follow action ;)

Iris said... at 29/3/08 20:14

Hi! Dennis,

Subscribe to comment in blogger is that you only tick the "Email follow-up comments" then you can follow the discussion of a certain article, if that's what you mean with comment plugin LOL. I always do this everytime i leave a comment to a post and want to follow the discussions.

Sometimes i don't care the do-follow's the article that's important especially when it's high quality.

Linora 'Aronil' Low said... at 31/3/08 15:25

Not a bad list :) I've already got most of them on my sidebar. The recommended reading i have just enabled it but i placed it at the bottom of a post.

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I really love to read your thoughts, Reminder though that I Moderate my blog, If your intention is only to spam think twice.

For those that will comment because you want to share your thoughts i really appreciate your time. "Dofollow" Rules.


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