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Ways to improve your blog

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When i started blogging i don't have any idea about html, javascript etc.. all those terms freak me out, im not technical type of person but i think the best attitude that i have is never to give up and never say never, i keep trying and reading, anyway...if you want to make money online blogging all you need to do first is to improve your blog. I will be listing here ways for you to improve your blog.

Ways to Improve your blog.
  1. Headers Pictures - If you have notices pictures can describe a thousand words. Put some relevant pictures on your blog header and in your post make sure that the picture on your header describe your site because it is your identity, as well the picture in your post are related to your post. This is the great way to direct the attention of your readers to your theme and to your post. One that i used is Picnik to tweak and twist & work on photo's this is very useful tool for your blog.
  2. Clear Contents and Fonts - Make sure that you have clear content and fonts are readable, you have different kinds of readers and you want to make everyone happy. Make your readers comfortable reading with your content or elase you are losing the chance of your reader to subscribe or coming back to your blog.
  3. Subscription and RSS - To encourage your readers to subscribe to your blog make sure that they can easily access to your subscription form and rss and if it is possible to use unique RSS Icon to stand out.
  4. CPC Ads - Do not make the CPC Ads obvious if you can make private ads that's much more better because in most cases people are annoyed, try to experiment, twist, tweak and have fun with your blog.
There are still many ways for your to improve your blog...all you need to do is not to stop reading, studying and trying everything but make sure if you are making changes using the html download the templates to your computer first to be safe.

Learning is fun, improvement is more fun but the best fun of all is when your have mastered the way of monetizing your blog...have fun blogging.

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Lynn said... at 12/11/08 03:09

same here, i am not a techie myself but i've learned a lot through blogging and will continue learning.

thank you for the tips. :)

Iris said... at 12/11/08 14:44

I think once we start exploring, that is the only time we learn...or else our brain become stagnant, LOL!

Anonymous said... at 12/11/08 18:56

I've been exploring the blogging world myself couple of years and have to say it's a long way to go!

Who said blogging is easy :P

Anonymous said... at 13/11/08 06:25

Images are great not only in headers but also within the posts!! It's true that a picture can paint a thousand words - just be sure you acquire your images LEGALLY!

Anonymous said... at 14/11/08 16:27

You have some great stuff here!

I have one suggestion for you that also may grab you some more traffic (Search Engine...), if you are willing to hear it!

Just drop by sometime and let me know!

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