- Purple Personalities have sensitive eyes and mind.
- You are proud of being artistic and enjoying art.
- You have good mind and wit.
- You have the ability to observe things which go unnoticed by others.
- You are aloof, temperamental, introspective and refined.
- Friends believe you are clever and capable of great things.
- You are easy to live with.
- You are specially polite but sarcastic at times.
- You like to be admired and welcome compliments.
- Purple personalities are conventional and tolerant.
- You may be inclined to let the problem rest as they are.
- Enjoy being extravagant every once in a while.
What about you? what color do you like? please let me know if it describe your own personalities aswell.
Hi there! Nice blog! I guess I'm purple too! Most of the stuff you mentioned there matches my personality. Care to exchange lnks? I've already added yours onto my blog. It's http://adventuresinriding.blogspot.com/. Thanks!
@Masked Rider Boogaloo, If you have added my site to your blogroll, it will automatically show your link -- if your using blogrolling that is!... i will check if not i will manually add your site. Thanks for the visit.
Funny, after red, black and white for so long, I've just recently gone to purple on my main site, too.(www.deborahbeatty.com). I'm currently looking for a purple theme that's businessy enough for my blog site. Soon, I hope to tie the two together.
@ DeBorah,
I just change mine to white again...look at here http://www.colorschemer.com/blog/ they have cool color scheme.
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