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Why are you blogging?

3 comments Buzz Here
I wanted to ask this to all bloggers, why are you blogging?...i have received a comment from brad from my previous post "Gear up for success" don't take this as negative brad, i like your blogs...your comment inspires me to write this post. Please my fellow bloggers as you read this please leave a comment and even participate. What is in it for me? you ask? you will get link as i will put the comments that you left so that will be an added exposure...anyway part of brad comments is "Blogging isnt ALL about money!! Its more of a past-time or hobbist type of job".

So i want to create a conversation regarding this, i was thinking i should have make it as poll but i wanted to make it very interactive and will if i collected some comments "hopefully" i can convert this as post in the end and will inspire some bloggers specially the newly ones.

Why are you blogging? for money?, simply past time and hobby? What is your reason for blogging? I love to hear from you.

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James said... at 21/10/07 06:24

i blog for many reasons. I've had livejournals and the like in the past, but started blogging about several topics such as music, Wolfenstein, and myself, for the fact that they interest me. I have adsense on in hopes that I might be able to snag the odd bit of money, but don't rely on it. the main reason for my blogging is because i enjoy it.

Iris said... at 21/10/07 20:52

thank you james for the comment, very honest and straight to the point. Having fun is way to success too...keep it going.

Charlotte Rains Dixon said... at 24/10/07 05:44

I agree, blogging isn't just about making money. If it were, I'd have to quit, because I'm not making much from it. However, I do get clients for my writing services and that is important. Most important, though, is the credibility it gives me. Having a blog is a great way to boost your reputation and become known as an expert. It is also an excellent platform for book publishing.

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