Have you noticed that the first letter in my paragraph is big? Of course who can, what a silly question (Actually, i just don't know how to start my paragraph) . This is called Dropcap, it's a magazine style and i really love it - That added attraction to my content and i suggest to use this in your post.
I have tried different approach, I would like to show that you can possibly do this using Microsoft Word, Here's How:
- Create your post using Microsoft Word
- Highlight the very first letter of your paragraph
- At the top of your Microsoft Windows look for the format menu
- then click Drop cap from there you can choose if you want dropped or In margin
- Decide also of how many lines of letter you want to drop, and you can control the distance from the text (0.01 to 0.02) works well for me, depend with the kind of font you are using aswell.
his is a sample using Microsoft dropcap. It’s easy and no CSS or any styling necessary. Since many blogger do not want to miss around their html or no familiar with the html.
I have here another sample: (Lines to drop = 3, Distance from text = 0.02) I changed the text aswell to let the letter to stand out.
his is a sample using Microsoft dropcap. It’s easy and no CSS or any styling necessary. Since many blogger do not want to miss around their html or no familiar with the html.
Please experiment with the font. If you notice, i only change the first letter font but you can also change the whole paragraph, do whatever you do -- It more like it's what you see, is what you get.
I hope you find this tutorial useful. And please do check my other tips and tricks.
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