Should we really be worried about bounce rate?
Some blame it to Entrecard,Why? People will visit the site just to drop their cards after that leave without visiting other pages. You probably have read articles about Bounce Rate because it's the talk of the blogosphere, it's sometimes a worries of most bloggers but some say's they stop worrying now and "so what, i don't really care" and "Screw It!" just like Page rank say for example, some stop worrying about their PR after the slapping it doesn't matter anymore especially when their is no exact explanation about the algorithm.
There are few sites that i really have enjoyed reading about bounce rate, it become a great discussion and this helps us learn to understand of what bounce rate, should we be alarm if we have a really high bounce rate or will it be fine if we just close our eyes as if we never know about this and carry on with our blogging. I know that we all concern when it comes with our site, we should be unless we really don't care and just do this for fun. I don't think for those that spent their time and effort to make the blog site visible will just turn their back when their is an issue like this.
Below is the video about Bounce Rate: The Simply Powerful Metric - This is a video from Google, this might going to help us understand about bounce rate.Some blame it to Entrecard,Why? People will visit the site just to drop their cards after that leave without visiting other pages. You probably have read articles about Bounce Rate because it's the talk of the blogosphere, it's sometimes a worries of most bloggers but some say's they stop worrying now and "so what, i don't really care" and "Screw It!" just like Page rank say for example, some stop worrying about their PR after the slapping it doesn't matter anymore especially when their is no exact explanation about the algorithm.
There are few sites that i really have enjoyed reading about bounce rate, it become a great discussion and this helps us learn to understand of what bounce rate, should we be alarm if we have a really high bounce rate or will it be fine if we just close our eyes as if we never know about this and carry on with our blogging. I know that we all concern when it comes with our site, we should be unless we really don't care and just do this for fun. I don't think for those that spent their time and effort to make the blog site visible will just turn their back when their is an issue like this.
I hope you learn something about bounce rate, but before i end this post i will share the post that i have enjoyed reading as i have said before to give you more understanding and also at least you know what other saying about bounce rate.
Most of the time when we read our co-bloggers post that is where we learn and grow.