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Do you like to work with Google?

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I have read today, Big Google is willing to pay for at least $75 each hour you spent with the Google Researcher. They are looking for people who want to participate with there study (Google User Experience Research) neither existing products or the one's that still under development.

Here are the type of studies you can do if you get lucky:
  • Usability Study - Spend time at the Google Office testing products or prototype.
  • Remote usability study - You need to have fast internet connection with this type of project because Google will call you while you're in front of your computer and give you instructions of what you need to study or test the product or prototype.
  • Field Study and Online Survey.
For more information about this opportunity read the FAQ here.

If you're at least 18 years old then you can join and try your luck, Why not!

Although, Google can't guarantee that you'll be invited to participate in a study or may take sometime before you can hear from them but this is great opportunity to grab and you never know.

Now that no follow has been removed, Sip that link juice

8 comments Buzz Here
Have you noticed, that most blog site have "U Comment, I follow" in their sidebar? i guess so, that means this blogger's have removed their "no follow" attribute that's been placed by default in their blog, this is to prevent the spam comment; but this is no longer effective or shall i say not really effective.

What this means to you?
If you leave comment in the bloggers post you get link back to your site or shall we call it link juice, as we all know link is the major key to get visibility and more visibility is higher page rank. I have blogged about this a few months ago "way to be discovered by search engine" link is counted as vote to your page.

What to blogger should do?
Leave comments. But, Not everyone that have removed their no follow attribute have placed a "U comment, I follow" badge. so the question comes down to how are we going to know if there blog is no follow free. Follow this:
  • Click post a comment
  • Right Click on the the title of the person that have left a comment, then click properties.
  • You will see the relation: no follow -- meaning the no follow has been removed.
Even the no follow has been removed by most bloggers, that doesn't mean that you can spam. The website owner still in control and will remove or reject your comment, that means your time and effort of leaving a comment is wasted.

Rules of the thumb?
  1. Read the Post, that way you can share your opinion and know what to comment.
  2. Do, leave a proper comment. Do not Follow this example:
"I really like your post, if you like you can visit my site at"

This is a BIG no, no. This is clearly spamming, why not give a little time of reading a post because you will get a link juice in return (You gain something, which counted towards your page rank).

I don't have problem sharing a little link juice but do your part, i don't think that's too much to ask.


Google Cache Link

1 Comment Buzz Here
Have you checked if Google have Cached your site?

I installed an add on plug-in called Seoquake which you can get download from or direct from you firefox, you can find more information about the site, very handy for bloggers and site owners. I've noticed today that my sites Cached: n/a -- I thought, It's strange because just yesterday i see the latest date they have indexed my site.

For more understanding, here What Google Cache about:
"Google takes a snapshot of each page examined as it crawls the web and caches these as a back-up in case the original page is unavailable. If you click on the "Cached" link, you will see the web page as it looked when we indexed it. The cached content is the content Google uses to judge whether this page is a relevant match for your query.

When the cached page is displayed, it will have a header at the top which serves as a reminder that this is not necessarily the most recent version of the page. Terms that match your query are highlighted on the cached version to make it easier for you to see why your page is relevant.

The "Cached" link will be missing for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites whose owners have requested we not cache their content."

Source: Google

Google uses many datacenters if you want to check how you site visit and you will see how your website indexed by different Google datacenter.

This is what it look after i type; cache: MY URL

We're sorry...

... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.

We'll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

If you're continually receiving this error, you may be able to resolve the problem by deleting your Google cookie and revisiting Google. For browser-specific instructions, please consult your browser's online support center.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope we'll see you again on Google.

403 forbidden is what i got after i search the latest cache of my site...i am learning and this is just what i have noticed i wonder if there is a problem from Googles or if there is something i have done wrong.

what about you have you notice anything? Does it happen to you aswell? have a quick check.


I love shopping what about you?

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Are you a shopaholic? i love shopping, if only i have that much money to spend (sigh!) i have kids now they are more important but you know sometimes we treat ourselves but still looking for better price and great deals i am sure all the mommy out there agree with me.

run so quick We all know Christmas still far from today but still we need to work with our budget and save because i really don't want surprises and then the next thing we know it's Christmas again timeaarrrrrrg i hate it! . Me and my husband usually buy stuff after Christmas, we call that here boxing day -- that's where people can get a better deal, great prices but the problem is human traffic, that's fine with me but my husband and kids are not this type of people that's where my problem when it comes with shopping. I am glad in the web we can also find some great deals and convenient for everyone.

While surfing i came across a site called BF (Black Friday) and i was like, what the? they have this cyber monday and while navigating their site my hand is scratching...ooh! their so much i can buy so cheap, i was looking for digital camera for myself because the digital camera that my husband gave me is old that was Christmas 2006 and was thinking a new laptop for my husband (That will make him happy, Of course i still need to save more for this) take a look at this deals, i actually signed up to their mailing list so that i can received an updated list of great deal.

I was shopping online for quit awhile i find out that most of the time i get a better deal than going to the shopping mall myself. Most of the online store removed the shipping cost and that make more affordable and convenient.


My Honeymoon stage with google is over

3 comments Buzz Here
I woke up this morning and when i look at my site my PR3 is not visible anymore in the Google tool bar. Now i am officially one of sites that's been slapped by Google; therefore, i say my honeymoon stage with Google is over but that doesn't mean i am going to be discourage instead i am more determine to work more harder. I am glad i have read john chow and darren rowse blog which truly are a big encouragement for a small blogger like me.

I checked my PR in the it still shows my Pagerank 3 oh! well this is not the end of my world, definitely not!
I totally agree with Johnchow's blog Turning a negative into a positive I don't think we can see a Deadpool over the blogosphere as Techcrunch suggesting -- just because of Google slapping sites that doesn't mean it's the end of the world the show must go on with them then the show must go on with the sites that's been slapped. Content still the king, why people read Johnchow's blog or Darren Rowse Blog? because of the content i do not think it's just because they have higher page rank.

Here's from Darren Rowse rolling with the punches and looking for positives in the negatives i am going to keep on punching alright!

I am sure you're thinking that i am a bit too late about this Google slapping discussion, okay i admit i am but i just want to share my feeling, my thought, my opinion. I stand with the blogger that's been slapped but still standing and fighting their own battle in field of giant beast, i stand with the blogger that knows what there doing and did not let the slapping step them down.

In the end i would like to quote this from JohnChow "My feeling is that any site that goes under because of a downgrade in PageRank deserves to go under" Are you one of them? or are you the one that will get up and show BigG that PR is not everything in the world of blogosphere.

My Honeymoon stage with Google is Over but this is not the end of my blog instead this encourage me to be bold, strong and positive.


Find which Keyword your site rank in Google Top 20

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If you optimized you blog you might have done a lot of research, there are many way you can learn, read a lot of blog about how to optimize your site and even have subscribe the matt cutts, jimboykin and other SEO experience (I love reading their site, i can learn so much about do's and don't.

I came across this seodigger where you can find out for which keywords your site ranks high enough to be in Google Top 20, this help you analyze your site and know more about the keywords you can use more inside your content. We all know Keyword is one of major key. That is why you need to have meta tag using the right keywords, My Experience if i use my keyword earn easy money online i am in the 1st page of Google SERP or even if it just earn easy money.

here's how it look:
If i use "earn easy fast loan money" more often inside my content, the better position i get in Google SERP, above shows that this keyword is in position 2 of Google SERP.

There's so much you can do to optimize you site, it's just a matter of learning and understanding.

Another way you can earn easy money - Freelance Works

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Internet is very huge opportunity for everyone, Blogging is one of great step you earn easy money once established, advertisers si more likely want to advertise on your blog site that's when you have enough traffic and readers not to mention a higher page rank. one example for that is Darren Rowse become very popular and successful in he's niche and i admit i really model him.

There are other ways you can earn easy money too aside from blogging, i am not saying to leave blogging but there are other ways as an additional income for your household and millions and millions of people are doing this especially the once that are skilled.

Freelancing - We all know this, but sometimes we just ignore for whatever reason. But if you are skilled and know what you're doing, know your capacity and your limitation then try freelancing. Let see how it work.

  1. Search for a project - Thousands and thousands of business people looking for skilled individual to work for them; Not everything are too hard, there are opportunities that they need you to market their products, there are projects that they need 1000 subscribers etc...just search the one that suites you and your time
  2. Market your skills - We all know that "We make our own future" now, in the freelancing you have to make your own brand, name, portfolio ... Post your profile this is your chance to shine take it as job interview (I am sure your not scared of job interview aren't you!?) hope not :D so, Go, Show them that you can do it and market your skills.
  3. Bid on the project - Once found the one that suites you or interest you then Bid on that (Easy) make some good statement, competition is high so make a really great speech(Not over the top though that turns the employers off but instead make it attractive and be confident.
  4. Project Awarded - once the project awarded to you, complete then on time (Show some professionalism) so that the employer will come back and give you another project plus they will give some recommendation which very important for your profile.
  5. Enjoy - It's your hard work and it's your money now you can pay some bills and not to worry with your bills interest :D
I have listed here the sites that offers freelancing (Note: Register at your own risk; make sure you read everything before you join the sites).
  • Elance - You can find a really great opportunity here, the demands are high if you skills is into marketing, sales, legal, Administrative works, Engineering can find more here.
  • GoFreelance - There so much in here especially for mums, you get emails of opportunity.
  • Allfrelancework - You will learn so much about freelancing in this site, you also get some tips and advice.
  • - More fucos in UK so if you're base is in UK you might find something for you here but if your not in UK try this and you never know.
  • Get1freelancer - Fast, easy and effective way to outsource the projects.
  • Freelanceworld - This is worldwide opportunity. Start making here.
  • Freelance Online Work - Tips, Idea's and any other resources about freelancing.
  • Guru - World's largest online service marketplace. More than 160 categories there so much to choose from.
This are just few of the sites that offers freelancing. You can start immediately and earn easy money online. Give yourself some challenges, although this need some skills but you never know, when you are blogging and already earning money blogging meaning you are in more capacity to start freelancing. You have the ability to feed your readers and compete in the blogospheres therefore you also have the ability to compete in the world of freelancing.

Good Luck.

How to have Flat Screen TV

1 Comment Buzz Here
How to have Flat screen TV, simple...follow this.

If you want to have a Flat Screen like this.
Here's how.

So, there you go simple pretty clever hah!? Happy Viewing everyone. :D


Powerdropping your entrecard

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It's true that it is really hard to drop 300 cards a day for your entrecard and that is my problem too until i found now i can drop 300 easy.

Why it's fast? Because all the entrecarders that have sites listed there feature their Entrecards in a prime above-the-fold location, and that makes you drop more faster (You do not need to look to where they put their entrecard)

To know more about this and start dropping your card visit and Do not forget to read the blog and instruction to make it more easier for you.

No pain no gain, No venture, no gain

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This is funny, Most of the new blogger thought that once they have posted there first post they can earn money immediately that is my mentality too when i started my blog, i keep on checking my AdSense everyday, i was hoping for miracle funny that if it's just that easy aye! then no entrecard, no mybloglog, blogcatalog, spott and any other social networking and advertising but as always no pain no gain which is good.
New Blogger -- Must Try hard, work hard and you will get what you want in the end. I have a really great example for this (Showing example help understanding the situation more-i think you agree with me!). Anyway here's my example:

My Husband just started he's blog last month blogtech so he posted almost everyday It's all he's interest and that is why he fall in love the blogging because it is he's time to share he's interest to the world, i ask him to join blogcatalog, mybloglog, entrecard etc...He said he's addicted with blogging and he is the most hardworking person i ever know That is why i marry him ;) and what's the result of he's effort?
  1. He is at the top 3 under the technology category in the entrecard.
  2. He's Alexa rank 312,519
This two are just great result if you work hard with your blog, If where going to compare mine to my husbands I have been blogging for almost a year now and he surpasses me; what's the lesson? Even your newbie you still have a greater chance to level the top and earn easy money.

"No Venture, No Gain"

I think working in sales is where i enjoyed most

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I always remember my most favorite job, but at the same time it is the hardest. I graduate in the field of Engineering (Industrial Engineering) but i start working in the office and not related to my profession it is more of civil engineer's crowd. Our accountant hired me to he's other company this time it related to me i am assisting the cost analyst (unfortunately, the company close down) then i applied to another job this time as customer service representative (CSR) hardware and software distribution -- okay now im really far to my profession but i was thinking it's ok as long as i am happy and i took the job as stepping stone.

My boss are very happy with me assisting them with the sales and other problem and consider me in the sales position then that's where the hardship starts i was doing my Sales Training and the expectation raise to different level, very demanding and if you're not that totally trained you cannot compete But to my surprise i love working in sales, specially when their are incentive if you make it to the quota, sometimes we sandbag the other transaction so that theirs not much work in the next month. during my training though it's not professionally done, i was ask to call the in-active account and activate them, follow-up until i learn the sales approach i manually taught by our head of sales how to's, ways to talk or what's the sales peach works and not. For me i think to the individual that really want to work in sales or company wanted to have a better result it's better to hire professionals to train the sales that way the return is beyond what you expect because this professional have studied the best approach and have enough experience for this field...i am not saying that i am not become a great asset of the company but for me the trained i got is not enough because i still have struggled a lot mind you though that only run for a month but i am happy my boss is happy with my sales performance and that's what matter's ahh! those where the days.

Now that i am married and have kids i reminisce that time and i can say that everything works for good. There is always a reason for everything, and working in sales is the best experience for me.

Earn Easy Money Selling Other People’s Products

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A lot of people are now getting into online businesses and online marketing either to supplement their “real world” income or for it to become their primary source of income. Why? Because online marketing just provides them a lot of benefits!

First, you can reach just about anybody in the world who has Internet access if you market your products online. That means a wider market for you, which can translate to larger profits. Second, setting up an online business requires only a fraction of the cost required to set up an actual business establishment, which means a lot of savings for the business owner.

Another aspect that has attracted a lot of people towards online marketing is the fact that one doesn’t have to have his own products to get started. In online marketing, one can start making a lot of money just by selling, or even by just trying to sell, other people’s products. And getting started with this kind of marketing strategy is actually quite easy. All that one needs to do is to set up an agreement with an online retailer or merchant, and after everything is settled, one can immediately start making money by selling the merchant’s or the retailer’s products.

Incidentally, the most popular and the fastest growing method of selling other people’s products online is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing, in its simplest definition, is a relationship between an online merchant or retailer, who has products to sell, and his affiliates, who are willing to promote the merchant’s product on their website.

In a typical affiliate marketing set up, the merchant provides his affiliates with banners and text ads that links to his site. The affiliates will then get these ads posted on their website and they get paid whenever traffic or sales is directed to the merchant’s website. Affiliates are often paid on commission basis, although other online merchants would opt to pay a fixed fee for the affiliate’s compensation.

Starting to make money online with affiliate marketing is relatively quick and easy. All that one has to do is to sign up as an affiliate for an online company that offers affiliate programs. An alternative method, and usually an easier one, is to sign up as a member of an affiliate network—a network that hosts a variety of affiliate programs for different online merchants or retailers. Signing up is usually free, although other companies and networks may require you to pay a particular fee. Such fees, however, are made as payment for additional services that the company may render, like providing you with tools and assistance to jumpstart your online business.

When you sign up with an affiliate marketing program, you are usually required to fill out a form containing information about yourself. Some affiliate programs may also require you to present the URL of your website and describe its contents. This will allow the retailers to verify that you actually have a website with contents that are relevant to their products. Some affiliate programs, however, won’t require you to have a website. After filling out the form and all, you are then allowed to choose the affiliate programs you want to promote.

After signing up with an affiliate program and being an actual affiliate, you are now ready to start making a lot of money by selling other people’s product online. How do you make money? There are actually a number of ways for you to earn money as an affiliate, and most of these ways depends on the type of affiliate marketing program you’ve gotten into.

Many affiliate marketing programs compensate their affiliates in either of three ways: pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-sale (PPS), or pay-per-lead (PPL). In pay-per-click affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid whenever he directs traffic to the merchant’s site. PPS and PPL affiliate marketing programs work rather differently. In PPS, the affiliate only gets paid when his referral converts into an actual sale. In typical PPS affiliate programs, the affiliate would usually get 15% to 20% commission for each conversion. PPL affiliate programs work the same way, although affiliates are paid a fixed fee whenever his referral converts into a lead for the company.

Some affiliate marketing programs are two-tier programs, wherein the affiliate is also allowed to recommend other affiliates to the merchant. In such affiliate programs, the affiliate would not only be paid for the traffic or sales that he would direct to the merchant’s site but also for the traffic or sales directed by the affiliates who signed up with the program through his recommendation.

Yet another way of earning more profits with affiliate marketing is through residual affiliate programs. Residual affiliate programs are affiliate programs where the affiliate gets paid a number of times for as long as the merchant keeps the customer the affiliate has referred to his site. One form of residual program gets the affiliate paid a commission every time the referred customer purchases something on the merchant’s site. Another form of residual affiliate program gets the affiliate paid a percentage every month for as long as the company keeps the referred customer.

With a lot of options available and a lot of ways to earn money, affiliate marketing is undoubtedly the most popular and the easiest way to make money by selling other people’s products online. As to how much money one can get from affiliate marketing actually depends on the affiliate. A dedicated and hardworking affiliate would certainly get more from the program compared to those affiliates who would simply sign up and forget about the program later.

How much conveneince do you expect of you going for a holiday vacation?

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Me and my husband love to travel and there so much places we love to see and definitely will see :) i am looking forward for that really!, I remember we have this discussion about convenience when we travel because my father in law emailed my husband the other night and they are going away on march to Cebu, Philippines and ask if i can recommend some other place to visit aside from the regular tourist spot destination so me and my husband was like thinking of the places that we love while we where there but our concern is the convenience, that is going to be a problem when it comes with transportation and the rest but we just leave it with them because they have been traveling so many times in a different countries and know how to work when it comes with convenience over everything.

That is why i ask when you travel how much convenience do you expect? from the very start -- planning , flights, hotel etc... me and my husband have experience a lot of inconvenient during the travel period and that is the last thing we want to happen, we want to enjoy in our travel.

My husband loves to complain but the last time he had a flight to Australia was really convenient and he said he was having a great time (i was not able to come with him during that time because i am 8 months pregnant) and that is what he was really hoping for from booking, to the hotel are all convenience, this is the time when Steve Erwin (Australia Zoo is still alive) and they went there as one of the places they are visiting that is the only time that he was not happy though because he didn't see the Popular SteveE; If he doest that would be the last time he will see him alive because a few months after that that's when we heard the news :( so sad.

Anyway, yeah! i think for me if we plan for a holiday we want the convenience that makes the holiday worth more but that is for me, what about you? how much convenience do you expect if you go on a holiday?


Try this new way to earn easy money using your link

1 Comment Buzz Here
How many ads did you put in your blog to earn extra money? although we know the do's and don't we still stuff our blog with ads bugger that!, hey! that's not a problem as long as you earn easy money and decent why not; but you have to make sure though that our readers are not turned off or else your effort of getting that one readers of your's are all for nothing Sad :(

Okay, here i have found a new way you can earn easy money using your link, i am not sure if you are going to agree with this one links into cash.

There service is easy, simple and help you earn easy money. The Social bookmarking, tiny url and link where you can earn easy money are combined into one and that is

Here's how they turn your link into cash:
After you register (Free) and validates you get in to your dashboard. Create Link you got to choose how between the three (Single link, Multiple link and full page script) full script page is the easiest way to get paid; Enter your link(YOUR URL) then select the content type (This if it's adult or clean), now here there are Two types of ads to choose from - Intermission (Pays Better) or Top Banner, then last is the link type Private or Public) then your done you will be given the code to use and start making money.

As a blogger we tried many ways to earn easy money using our blog, their are programs that are working for other and not for us, yet their are other programs that are working very well with our approach it's just a matter of how you work and your approach with their system. My suggestion is that if you want to earn easy money online do not let the opportunity passes by without you trying it, what to lose? as long as it's Free nothing to worries if it's not working then move on at least you know.


Consumer gripe - You're going to love this!

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I received this email from my sister in law and i thought i will share this because i know all the woman been to this situation and can relate in to this situation.
This is an actual letter from an Austin woman sent to American company Proctor and Gamble regarding their feminine products. She really gets rolling after the first paragraph. It's PC Magazine's 2007 editors' choice for best webmail-award-winning letter.

Dear Mr. Thatcher,

I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.

Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from the curse'? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call 'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.' Isn't the human body amazing?

As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers monthly visits from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying, jags, and out-of-control behaviour. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy!

The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... Which brings me to the reason for my letter. Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.'

Are you fu*ing kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything 'happy' about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.

For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you just have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong', or are you just picking on us?

Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bull sh*t. And that's a promise I will keep. Always.

Wendi Aarons
Austin , TX

She actually one of use bloggers (I believe) this is here site Wendi Aarons, I read her blogs and i really love it -- So, What pad are you using today? :D


U Comment, I Follow - Have you joined yet?

7 comments Buzz Here
Today i added "U Comment, I follow" Badge in my blog. I always have something learned from our fellow blogger (I Follow and Read) and today although many blogger are already doing this i think it's not too late for me to learn and even you. Many of the Bloggers are now joining DoFollow campaign. Who started it i don't know, but it is helpful in many ways especially link juice from fellow blogger (link that counted through your PageRank)
If you see thisbadge that means this are the bloggers that are supporting this campaign and have removed the rel='nofollow' code from their template. If you are using wordpress their are plug-ins that the wordpress bloggers are using (That make it so simple for them); As for blogspot users we all know that we don't have this plug-in thingy so it's not that simple and it need our understanding to remove the nofollow code from our template but don't worry though, because we have our fellow bloggers that are going to help us remove this code you can follow this simple instruction and removed that code in no time - Removing NoFollow from blogger styled layout".

If you want the to join and looking for the badge randaclay made this really beautiful badge; of course you can make your own if you wanted too but i am really happy using Randaclay's. I found a funny one like "You comment,I Poop" i forget the site though but it is so hilarious anyboooo, i guess that's for now and i hope you have learn new from this post.


How would you answer dNeero?

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This is my newly found site. For those of you who are looking of site where you can earn easy money you might want to try dNeero, you earn easy money taking Social Survey and earn more easy money as a reseller.

You'll earn 10% of any money that bloggers or social networkers make through the survey.

It's very simple, Register then take the survey -- the amount is all depend if you want to just take the survey it's less than posting the survey you took in to your blog.


My Link Love Weekend

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I have decided to post a linky love as thank you's and i called it "My link Love Weekend".

I will be starting in the entrecard. According to my E-Statistics i have 11 droppers but i will only give 3 link and those to the highest droppers (Meaning they keep on coming back to my site and keep on dropping their cards) which benefits me when it comes with ec points.

Therefore, I give you my top 3 droppers and please do visit them because they are not just droppers, they have great contents.

The most Highest: Toast & Egg & Me
I assume the name of the site owner is kumo (I didn't contact the owner but it supposed to be surprise right! so i assumed that it is name (Kumo) is an engineer and set a goal of earning a living through the internet. I like the site, their so much you can is a great resource if you want to earn easy money.

Second Highest: Internet Dreamer
One woman, One Dream, One Million, One Year. Toni Turner is 26 years old and very competative, visit the blog and you will see that it's a great blog with great content.

Third Highest: Internet Business GuideTheir so much you can learn in Marcus blog, you get some guides and tutorials....Here's what Marcus Reason why he blog "felt the urge to give back what I learned over the past 3+ years working online. Using this blog, I’m going to provide tutorials, first hand experiences, products and guidance to boost your Internet business and bring it to the next level"

Thank you guys and i am enjoying dropping cards and actually took me so much time specially when i visited a blog like this three which is worth reading, great content and great droppers too!

Until the next week end.


Get paid to blog

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You heard this many time specially when you looking for something to earn easy money and i know what you are thinking...PPP, Smorty, Sponsored Review etc...this is some what similar -- Creative Weblogging is a blog network where you join to least 135 bloggers in different languages. I just want to inform you guys that this is not sponsored post but i want to give some source to those looking for another way to earn easy money online -- As i surfing in the web i encountered many great sources and this is one of them.

The Compensation Package is really high US$84-140, required 3-5 post a week but you must have a blog that tackle your passion and very particular subject and not just rambling, experience is one of the preference. If you are very passionate with your interest and want to earn easy money then this is definitely for you. The compensation is really high, If you think you have what it takes to be one of this high paying blogger then here's what to do:

send a brief email to recruiting @ requesting an application form and specify which topic on the above list you are applying for.

For more information visit the site Creative Weblogging.

Brochures, Business Cards, and Postcards

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Just about any Discount Printing Company can create brochures and the like, but only Conquest Graphics can create those same brochures at a price you can afford but with a quality far superior to the price tag. Cheap Brochure Printing from Conquest Graphics, along with Postcard Printing is the best way to get all of the Printing you'll ever need done with the quality and price you know you deserve. Go ahead and let Conquest Graphics help you today – you won't be disappointed.

Certified For Your Protection

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When you're looking for Salina, Kansas used cars I can't think of any reason to look any further than Conklin Cars Salina. When it comes to being a leading Salina Honda Dealership offering vehicles with top crash test and rollover ratings, nothing beats Conklin Cars Salina.

One look at the selection of this Kansas Honda dealership and you'll know why more people buy cars from Conklin Cars Salina than anybody else. Why take the time to visit any other dealership when you're just going to end up at Conklin Cars anyways? Take my advice and make Conklin Cars your first and last stop. I'm pretty sure you'll be happy you saved yourself the time.

Give Yourself Choices

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There's nothing worse than having to get a Trade Show Display that you're not completely in love with just because the place you got it from didn't have all the options you wanted. That's why I always use MODDisplays. Their options for your displays, literature stands, Banner Stands and Trade Show Flooring are sure to allow you to customize your display just the way you want it for the next Trade Show. Why settle when you can get exactly what you want from MODDisplays? Go check them out today and see why they're the best at what they do.

Lighting Plan

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We have problem with our living room lighting and my husband keeps on changing to something that will suit our's alright at the moment because it's still Day Light Saving Time i don't need to worry because kids went in bed and still have light outside -- sometimes my son don't want to go in bed he said it still early there still have light outside but when daylight saving time finishes i am going to have problem with my kids activity, reading and drawing while it's not bedtime yet, light is very important in this kind of activity.

I want a lot of lighting and might going to make some renovation, natural light and right lighting plan comes together. I like the George Kovacs Lighting collections they are really beautiful the look is very smooth, clean and very modern designs -- it is one of the professional designer used when they renovate houses (I always watch house renovations and that inspires me in many ways) and search on the web. it is really great to have a lot of lighting depend with your mood and also with the activity, i like really bright when it comes with kids and dimmer when it's just me and my hubby (Romantic) and feels more relaxing.

Eventually, this plan happens but still need some financial preparation -- I don't want to get into situation where i run out of budget renovating it is going to be disaster if that. Slowly but surely; at the moment i keep my eyes on the collections i am planning to buy including Modern Chairs...therefore i need to do more blogging, work hard and earn easy money online yehah!

Couple Ban on Valentines Day!?

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I think it's a bit late for me to wish everyone a happy valentines day but still where in the month of February it's a Love month "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue" -- Roses and chocolate's are flooding everywhere, couple seen everywhere too! but is it always happy valentine for everyone?

Traffic is not great and some miss the date; I have read in the News Paper today that In Australia, some restaurant has refused to take bookings for table for two and instead couple seat together with other couples (Someone's they never know and stranger to them). The reason for this is because restaurant see this as slow turn over. Must of couple dating tend to stay longer gazing into each other's eyes but that is only part of the problem...Most of couple only order single wine or Champagne and some restaurant even have "couple ban" ouch!

So what about you guys, what did you do on the valentines day?....i hope you are not one of those been banned and have problems looking for place to celebrate the love day, no matter though just have a laugh, enjoy the day...i alway believe that even though the crazy situation like this happens it always turns out great day.

Belated Valentine day everyone.


Romantic Vacation or Family Vacation

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One place that i would love to visit is Niagara Falls. Then after i watched some video from you tube that you can actually get more closer to the falls you can get to the very end where you if you tip over you surely thrown to the falls and that's the end of your life it's scares me but gets me more anxious to visit the place...this is the sort of place "Dare Devil" wanted to be.

It's Valentines day, I reminisce my romantic experience with my hubby back when we were dating it's the most wonderful vacation i ever had and fun too...We had the most romantic evening (Moon is the only light -- in the side of the beach) . I thought that can only happen in the book....Now, we are both longing to do it again but it may take a long time since we already have 2 lovely kids and they always comes with us where ever we go and we love that. I am glad there are travel agency that cater this sort of things to family vacation more easier.

Trusted Tours & Attractions is one of the great agency at it's best when it comes with vacations and tours. I you are going to visit the site you will see the tours that they offers. You also find some family vacation ideas to make it more convenient for every one in the family -- you know, most of the family specially the one that have kids that are already at the age of 12 to 16 they want to choose when it comes with family vacation and for most parents we use the voting process "Thanks to parenting books" we learned how to deal this sort of stuff, make life more easier.
I have here some idea's too! Things to do in Boston, Things to do in Phoenix, San Diego Zoo, New York City Tours. This is more for the whole family though. Sometimes when we already have big family valentines becomes more about the whole family get away oh! well the fact that kids are our love one's too! why not.

Plan for Romantic Vacation this valentine or Family Vacation plan you can't afford to miss the news why not subscribe to the newsletter. sign-up and “Win a free digital camera” that what make life more better.


Resources -- Designs for your Site

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When did you last tweak and change your header? or your background? Do you have the great pictures to get a better looking header?

We all know that content is the King but we also know that we need to change the appearance of our site to make it more outstanding and can attract more reader. Sometimes we need to get the attention of the readers through our header design, site designs, before we get them to read to our content and this is the reality and true is most cases. As a blogger specially the new one (I always target the new blogger -- they are one's that need more resources and need more experience to be able to compete in the big world of blogosphere) but, if your have been blogging for quite long and not made any changes with your blog site you might want to check this picture and resources that i will share and this might change your mind and make a little bit of tweaking with your site.

I admire those artist who give a lot effort with their art and share their art works and then give it out for free. I looked at those site that have vector graphic, psp tube and some other graphics and photo's where can be used for header and some other part of our site and here they are.

This are Free to use, but make sure that you read the owners terms and condition because this is their designs that we are using and of course we need to respect it (That is the important).

Vector Graphics - Here you can find the most beautiful graphic for your site, vector graphic is now very popular, you mostly see their creation on mommy's blogs or womens blogs, music and this is very artistic and my most favorite source.

Kaboodle - Photo site, you get many artists site here, their are that 3D some are flowers etc...have have a browse and you might find that interest you.

PSP Tubes - This are very great designs, i even use some of the art to my other site...If you want to copy the graphic as it is; you have to use photo shop -- If you don't have photo shop, you can download the trial (Adobe) then search the tutorial to make it more easier... but what i did with mined is, I right click on the image that i want and save as the image to my computer as jpeg (Easy) then i start working on my own program.

PSP Tubes 2 - Here is another Free source of PSP Tube, although this have not much variety but for the girly out their you might like this.

Ladies - Most of the graphic here are no drop shadow on the tube, graphic are about ladies.

Okay, in this next batch is where you can make faces and wii characters.

Mii Editor - Faces or whole body the choice is yours, easy and quick different characters.

South Park - If you're a fan of south park why not make the character that want here...You are going to have fun playing with the character and can incorporate some to one of your content (Just play your game!).

Fashion Templates - If you love fashion sketches and drawings you are going to love this.

There so much to grab on the internet, and this are just the few resources to make your site a more attractive. Work on it, put some effort and your readers will see it. Putting an extra effort with your content and your site's design give an impression to your readers that you are dedicated blogger, you love what you do, you give an extra effort on the appearance of your site and that's where design take part.

I hope you like the resources that i share with you and find it useful.


New Program that will help you earn easy money

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In my post "Do you want to make money blogging" i have listed the sites that are going to help you earn easy money while blogging...then, i added my post "additional way to make money using blog" which you have finally get the chance to choose and see if those programs works for you because not all of this get paid to blog and contextual text works for everyone.

Now for those that are enjoying the program and already earn money here's the additional program that surely will earn you more money and you are gonna love it.

Buyblogreviews will help you monetize your blog, the subjects that you love to blog can now generating more money for you. This is no different from other get paid to blog site but what make this site great is that when you submit your blog for approval it does not take long before your blog get accepted and bid for the opportunity. Other get paid to blog took really long to respond or not at all....easy to navigate and user friendly so i can say that this will work for everyone.

For Advertisers -- If you want more traffic or want to build buzz you can use blog advertising -- this become more and more popular way to generate more traffic to their site.

For the Blogger, When you think your ready to plunge to this new opportunity and ready to earn easy money then Get Paid Blogging and register for Free.

This get paid blogging and blog advertising become more and more use for every blogger and many have already earned money -- i think this is fair way to earn easy money online.

Great Resource for Jobs Hunters

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More and more New Zealander are now moving to Australia because of the low cut tax and great Jobs opportunity, i also have talked to some Filipina Nurses that wanted to get a job in Australia and some are actually moved in their for much more greener pasture i supposed.

We cannot really judge and blame some other people that move to other country because of say work, living expenses or simply because it is more better environment for the family. Most of the Filipino (Philippine Country) where i was born, would really love to work outside philippines thinking that they can provide a better life for their family if they work overseas. I was watching Border Patrol in Australia where there is one Filipina that's been questioned because of her papers (She said she will visit a friend) and turn out to be looking for job (It is a bad call for her but maybe it's her desperate move) :( she was sent back to the philippines.

For the Filipino who wanted to work overseas, do not cut the process...there is always an opportunity for every one. Make it legal, even though it's going to take time but your safe. There are many employment site that are offering multiple jobs in different industries. In New Zealand Filipino are happy working in the dairy and some other industries, life is very promising.

I stumbled the site that offers jobs in Australia, you can find anything you need including salary calculator, executive jobs, training courses, resume services, recruitment agencies and even news.

This is great resource for those who wanted to find new opportunity in australia or just simply browsing and still need some encouragement about working in other country this is for you.

Comment and get link offer result --Here it is.

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Here are the final bloggers that commenting on my blog. I have offered link if they comment and link they get.

Thank you guys, i hope you keep coming back though and still leave comment even though the offers is finished.

Momo Fali helps me forget my trouble while Nita Watson's wants to us to talk about Our life and Our World I love talking about shopping with Julie Freebie's and discount coupons everywhere, I think it's a great site for people like me that love's bargain.

A day to day rambling of a mum -- mother's home where The user pool Journal show us how to make corporate job more interesting, i also recommend to read about the the five blondes, the blondes with great content and are worth reading.Pandi say's "in the past we believe, why not in the future, hope for it" De Kerinchi wants to make money online and love the online explore while Ain saying he's a shitfaced -- My World of crap

Helene with her jewelry. Ahmede will give us some marketing tips.
I have an Interesting site GorillaSushi worth reading, you are going to be entertained. talrasha will share he's favorite world of rattan designing.

lightening will shine upon us and makes us smile especially when i visited cynx. Talking about Ric ferraro's mobile and Kim Rambling On and On.

Happy Blogging Everyone. :D

Savings Account your first step to build a better future

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Money is not that easy to find and yet it is so easy to a couple of this and a couple of that BHAM! you run out of money. I love spending specially with clothes but now that i have two kids, future is much more important that is why i save the money i earned from blogging.
I have visited saving account site in Australia where the information that i needed to start my Savings Accounts because i know that this is our first step to build a better future. It also, explained why do we need to open savings account, the advantages we can get when we open savings account and types of savings account -- I never know that there are types of savings account, i thought that savings account is where you just put your money for everyday savings and grow the interest. I navigate to their saving money tips because although my parents have thought me the right and wrong of handling the money i still not quite master of this (My Husband is!).

Their so much to learn about managing money and savings account, i like to read more about savings account news and my advice if you're planning to open a savings account make sure to visit a site that gives you an options and have more recommended transactions and savings account that way you get the better deal.


Dropping, Blogging, Entrecarding

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I have notice that there still have many bloggers that are not using entrecard, in one forum i remember one asking how to get more visitors to their site of course i suggest a few sites that really brings traffic to my blog including entrecard because it is truly bringing great traffic. So for those that are not joining entrecard yet! don't be left behind and "Don't just join and expect that traffic will go to your blog" It still need some of your effort.

Also, Their are some complains that people are just visiting the site to drop cards not even reading the post. In my own experience, i do visited blogs and drop at least 200 a day or more and yes i admit that i don't read everyone's posts ... I only read the post of those that interest me and i think this is also the same with the other entrecarder.

"Do not expect that out of 200 bloggers dropping cards on your blog likes your post because it all depend on individuals interests"

I remember my husband ask me why i did not put he's blog under my favorite because it is not my interest. I have favorite many blog site that interests me and i even left some recommendations, I have discovered new sites that have great content and worth of my time reading I even subscribe via RSS and email (Depend how much i like the blog).

I think bloggers are not just dropping card, if you have good content that worth reading then the possibility is very high for them to even subscribe on your blog.

What about you? do you just drop and not reading the post, or are you one of those that are reading the ones that worth of your time?


Three Goal of every Bloggers

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Setting some Goal is a powerful process for every blogger this motivate us to do more and think more about the future of our blog. We all aim to be successful wanted to turn our possibility into reality. Whatever the purpose of your blog -- either you want to make money or sell services and products we need this three goals.
We need to keep on focusing on our Goals and what are the three goals, i bet you knew already because we all keep on doing it and most are successful but i decided to make this just a reminder specially for the newly bloggers.

Increase your Presence - That is why we need to network our site and join social networking sites to get a greater visibility we need other sites linking to our sites -- By joining forums, social networking and being an active participants you increase your web presence which also means increasing your presence in Google's web index which pointing to the result that we want "Higher Page Rank".

Traffic - Driving Traffic to our site is a never ending problem for most bloggers but if you manage to increase your presence then traffic comes naturally -- But, even though you manage your presence visible in Google, it still not doing any good until that Google visibility turned into traffic, which means Google searchers (People searching for particular keywords) Click your link.

Convert Visitors - If the purpose of your blog is for the visitor to click your adsense ads or buy your amazon books you are happy the blogger if that happens, then you can tell that you have better conversion. Of course there are some visit that never convert anything, unproductive and we don't want that.

The most important purpose of this Goal is to get to the highest possible position in the Google search Result. There so much you can do to increase your presence, drive traffic to your site and the final step to have a great conversion of your visitor. Either you want to make money or just simply want to get more exposure all you have to do is set your Goal and hold on to it get motivated and keep reaching .


Yahoo Supports OpenID 2.0 Standard Single Log Ins

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It's the talk of net, Yahoo join in and support the OpenID 2.0 Single log Ins they just launched a few days ago you can register here Yahoo OpenId 2.0.

Instead of using username and password to different sites that you joined in , all you have to remember now is your yahoo ID. This makes life online more easier. When you start accessing your yahoo now they automatically bring you to the page where you do the sign in seal then after gives you your OpenId identifier -- Of course, this gives you an option to customize your OpenId Identifier to finalize after you done this your cannot change your Identifier anymore.

Your OpenId Identifier look like this: USERNAME

it's Easy and Simple.

If you want to know more about Yahoo OpenId try to read about some of the discussion at worldmasterworld and Digital Point.


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