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How To Add ScrollBar To The Sidebar

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I find this very useful to those Bloggers who would prefer to put their list of link in the sidebar. For bloggers even though blogspot have no potential of adding another page with the help of talented bloggers we can now do it, please read my post How not to show Post Date When You Make Your ABout Me Page -- this is if you want to ad your link in your navigation page but for those who want the list to be seen in their sidebar then here's my tut's for you.

Entrecard is very Popular of connecting each blogger and now each blogger created a great list of friends, drop list and so on...

Here is how to add a scroll bar to save some space of your sidebar.

  • Go to your Dashboard, Layout, Edit HTML.

Reminder before we start: Always download your template for safety reason.

  • Type Ctrl+F type sidebar content
  • Copy this code below right after the /* Sidebar Content */
/* Sidebar Content */

then save.

That LinkList1 (Color Blue) Replace them with the title you name of your list example: when you add the widget you title them as "Drop List" then that's the word you replace -- but to make it safe and to save more time of errors here's what to do.
  • Edit HTML - tick the Expand Widget Templates
  • Ctrl+F type <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
<b:widget id='Subscribe1' locked='false' title='Subscribe To' type='Subscribe'/>
<b:widget id='LinkList1' locked='false' title='' type='LinkList'/>
In my sidebar-wrapper it shows that the id in that sidebar are Subscribe1 and LinkList1 -- Linklist is what i named my list so i copy the "LinkList1" (Blue) then paste it to my sidebar content, you can change the height according to your liking.

This scrollbar toturial is only apply if you want to put scrollbar to only one widget, if you want more than one widget or the whole sidebar of even within your post then we added another code but that's for now i hope this helps and find it useful.


Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Hide it or Replace them to RSS, Here's How

1 Comment Buzz Here
Some blogger want to remove the Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) but for some they just replace the Atom to RSS. I will share to you how to remove it, if that's what you want and also will show you how to replace to RSS instead.

Here at TBN i decided to replace Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) to Subscribe to: Posts (RSS) -- scroll down and you will see the demo.

Here is the easy way to actually hide it

Go to your Dashboard - Layout - Edit HTML
Hit Ctrl+F type .feed-links { (You will then directly see the CSS Code)
Add this Code

This is what the whole Feed-link CSS code should look like

.feed-links {
clear: both;
line-height: 2.5em;

Then save your template and it should be hiding now.

Replace the Atom to RSS

Save your template to make sure that when you make mistake you can still go back to your old settings.

Go to your Dashboard - Layout - Edit HTML
Click Expand Widget Template
Ctrl+F find this code
<a class='feed-link' expr:href='data:f.url' expr:type='data:f.mimeType' target='_blank'><> (<data:f.feedType/>)</a>

When you get to this code replace them Atom code to RSS code below, preview first and if happy then save it.
<a class='feed-link' expr:href='data:f.url + "?alt=rss"' type='application/rss+xml' target='_blank'><> (RSS)</a>

You should have RSS now instead of Atom or have hid them, if that's what you have choosed.


Replace Atom to RSS is based to PurpleMoggy's Blog.


Blog Pictures

2 comments Buzz Here

We all know photo's attracts visitors attention and it's a known and tried facts. were did you get your images? are you sure it's properly licensed and copyrighted?

I got my blog pictures at Acobox collects, screens, and hosts quality pictures for bloggers. All images are properly licensed, optimized, and ready use with blogs. For adding a picture to blog post, what blogger needs to do is simply copying and pasting a piece of image code, without downloading, resizing, uploading the image file. It's simple, easy, and free!

Blog Pictures |

Here are few reasons why using

  • You don't have to search the whole web for images that are good with blog posts because we do it for you.
  • You don't have to worry about copyright and license because we guarantee all images are properly licensed. Everything will be OK as long as you follow acobox Terms of Use.
  • You don't have to download the image because acobox hosts it.
  • You don't have to optimize the image for web because we have done it.
  • You don't have to resize the image because you can choose a size that is best for your page from 5 sizes for each image.
  • You don't have to maintain an image library because we maintain one, larger and better.
  • Last, but not the least - it's free!

CSS Sites to Visit

3 comments Buzz Here
If you are thinking of learning or even want to understand CSS i have listed a list of sites i love to read and visit every now and then. You will find a very helpful tutorials.
In no particular order here they are:
  1. W3Schools - Here's where i started learning and understanding the CSS, HTML and all the technical word and tutorials. Still a use for some of Successful Website designers.
  2. 456 Berea Street - Demo of one of Roger Johansson tutorial. You can find a lot of useful tutorial easy and help you understand CSS.
  3. Smashing Magazines - Not just Freebies, Graphics, showcases but tutorials and CSS can be found her. I love reading this site so much to learn, actually so much to get.
  4. Web designer Wall - Love the design of the site, but i love the tutorials aswell. You will not get bored in this site.
  5. Eric Meyer - Try this one, simple explanation and easy to follow tutorials.
  6. CSS Discuss Wiki - Discussions about CSS, techniques for page-layout and more...
  7. Stop Design - this is a creative outlet of Douglas Bowman.
  8. CSS beauty - News, Job, Community, Tutorials and books and more there so much to learn about CSS here.
  9. CSS Tutorial- This is full of tutorials that are easy and really good place to begin with.
  10. Echoecho - I like this site, you can follow the tutorials.
I hope you find this all useful, even though you think you don;t have the skills but when you blog, it is important to understand them aswell. To those bloggers who love to tweak and play with thier templates i am sure you will enjoy visiting this sites.


Ways to improve your blog

5 comments Buzz Here
When i started blogging i don't have any idea about html, javascript etc.. all those terms freak me out, im not technical type of person but i think the best attitude that i have is never to give up and never say never, i keep trying and reading, anyway...if you want to make money online blogging all you need to do first is to improve your blog. I will be listing here ways for you to improve your blog.

Ways to Improve your blog.
  1. Headers Pictures - If you have notices pictures can describe a thousand words. Put some relevant pictures on your blog header and in your post make sure that the picture on your header describe your site because it is your identity, as well the picture in your post are related to your post. This is the great way to direct the attention of your readers to your theme and to your post. One that i used is Picnik to tweak and twist & work on photo's this is very useful tool for your blog.
  2. Clear Contents and Fonts - Make sure that you have clear content and fonts are readable, you have different kinds of readers and you want to make everyone happy. Make your readers comfortable reading with your content or elase you are losing the chance of your reader to subscribe or coming back to your blog.
  3. Subscription and RSS - To encourage your readers to subscribe to your blog make sure that they can easily access to your subscription form and rss and if it is possible to use unique RSS Icon to stand out.
  4. CPC Ads - Do not make the CPC Ads obvious if you can make private ads that's much more better because in most cases people are annoyed, try to experiment, twist, tweak and have fun with your blog.
There are still many ways for your to improve your blog...all you need to do is not to stop reading, studying and trying everything but make sure if you are making changes using the html download the templates to your computer first to be safe.

Learning is fun, improvement is more fun but the best fun of all is when your have mastered the way of monetizing your blog...have fun blogging.


Use Adsense For Search in your site

2 comments Buzz Here

Let's make the most of adsense. I have been using Adsense since i started blogging but never get any chance to see the full use of Adsense. We all know that putting adsense ads on our blog is way of making money but for most we never use or get notice the Adsense for Search this is another way of making money using adsense. Lets make the most of Adsense.

Today i will show you how to put it in your blog using as your search page. Most of our readers or visitors navigate our sites and look for more or our content they use site search, why not use Adsense and make money at the same time. Here's how to do it.

Adsense For Search

  1. Open your Adsense Account, if you don't have one you can Register it's Free.
  2. Once your in go to Adsense Set-up then choose Adsense for Search follow the instruction. 
  3. You will given a choices look at the image below --  this is what i have done with mine

  4. When you get this "Opening of search results page
    Choose whether you would like your search results to open on Google or within your site" What i did is that i made a new page for search result then put the link there. if you just want it within your site just put your site URL.
  5. Submit and Get Code, you will be given two set of codes ... first code is your form and second code is the result page. 

Place the Search Form and Page Result in your Site

  1. Copy the first Code then Go to your Dashboard - Layout - Page Elements then add a gadget scroll down until you get to HTML/Javascript then paste the first code there.
  2. then Save.
For the Page Result: This is the Option if you don't want it to open in a separate page
  1. Edit HTML - Save your template for safety (Do not click Expand Widget Template)
  2. Ctrl+F <div id='main-wrapper'> then paste the Search Results Code below (Just after) main wrapper then save.

Want the Result in a New Page

  1. Create a new Post
  2. Paste the Search Results Code then ... scroll down then click Post Options; Back Date (You can read my post about How not to Show Your Post Date When you make your about me page)
  3. When your done, save then go to your dashboard and look at the URL of the post that you just made then Edit the setting of your Adsense for Search.
  4. When you get this "Opening of search results page
    Choose whether you would like your search results to open on Google or within your site" then tick

    http://www.yoursiteurl/search-result.html Enter URL where search results will be displayed 
Important: If you make changes with your setting, make sure you change the Form box code aswell as the Search Result Code.

I hope you find it easy to understand, additional income is sweet using adsense search.


Feel like you want to create a new logo or just want to doodle?

1 Comment Buzz Here

This is just a quick post. I have doodling and my mind is not really in good condition to make proper post, but i decided to share you some sites where you can play around for your Logo or header.

Most of the Blogger really settled already for their site logo or header but some are still looking for great resource and at the same time easy to use too!..

That word should be "This is my very first ART, Not Bad" but hey i didn't notice it, sorry about that.

The links that i will share are the sites that you can use in quickie way. You can play around and once you are happy then that is the time you save them and use them as you logo or header.

  1. Acme Label Maker - Just type the text and click then you will see the result, very quick.

  2. Scribbler - Scribble any text you want, or do some doodling then click done drawing from there do some setting and you good to's fun.

  3. 3dtextmaker - I love this one, you have a great control and a lot of text design to choose from.

  4. image Reflection Generator - This is when your done and you want more -- then put some reflection. I have seen a lot of bloggers using reflection in their text logo, try it you might like it. You can even use it for images.

  5. Picassohead - I am having fun with this one, make a head in a very artistic way.

There so much more but i need to find them, i am sure they are just there somewhere buried in my bookmarked sites, they are too many and i need to do some cleaning in my bookmarks including my toolbar Folders.

I hope you find this useful and if you have additional which am sure you have some resources aswell, please do share them.

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